Ella Harvey
A Time of Light and Shadow , published by Rocky Mountain Books (RMB) October 2022,
is available at the following locations:
Upcoming Events
Ella is available for speaking engagements to share her slides, books, and experiences.
Vancouver Public Library June 27, 2023
40 Knots Winery Comox, Meet the Authors, July 11
Podcast: “Why Women are dominating the world of adventure travel.” https://rmbooks.com/think-outside-podcast/
Press: UK Traveler magazine: “Five places that changed my life.” 02022/Traveller%20Autumn%202022_Five%20Places.pdf
“When Women Inspire” – an interview: https://whenwomeninspire.com/2022/12/20/ella-harvey-a-time-of-light-and-shadow/
The Writers Union of Canada (TWUC): www.writersunion.ca
Creative Non-Fiction Collective (CNFC): www.creativenonfictioncollective.ca
BC Federation of Writers (FBCW): www.bcwriters.ca
International Women's Writers Guild (IWWG): www.iwwg.org
Encounters on the Front Line:
Books by Nurse Authors: www.donnacardillo.com/books
BC BookLook: Cambodia Was My Teacher: read article