Ella Harvey
ELLA Harvey

ELLA Harvey is a nurse, a writer, a healing touch practitioner and a traveller. A diverse career and her adventurous spirit have taken her to remote regions of the world with experiences in Asia and Africa marking her world view. She currently resides in Victoira, on the west coast of Canada. Encouters on the Front Line is Elaine's first book of creative non-fiction.

"Powerful and poignant, intimate and insightful. The careful reader will learn a great deal about Cambodia’s recent history and current culture as the Khmer people struggle to deal with the unfathomable trauma that continues to shape them."
— Bill Herod, Human Rights Worker, Cambodia
Encounters on the Front Line is a nurse’s journey that begins in a Cambodian refugee camp after the horrific Khmer Rouge regime. Nearly three decades later Ella returns. She meets the people on the front lines - the human rights activists, the caregivers, and those who needed care, inspiring her to explore the challenges of service.
"A riveting and enlightening book, brimming with perspective. Ella writes with great honesty, passion and clarity."
— Woody Wheeler, author of Look Up